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    发布日期:2024-08-15 22:32    点击次数:69



    On November 20th, 2014, Riot Games released the newest version of their immensely popular game, League of Legends: the 4.22 patch. This update brought a lot of changes to the game, specifically regarding its competitive esports scene. In this article, we'll go over some of the biggest changes that players and fans alike can expect.

    Champion Changes

    One of the biggest changes in the 4.22 patch is the changes to some of the most popular champions in the game. These include:

    Lucian - his ultimate now has a shorter cooldown and his passive now scales better with crit chance

    Twisted Fate - his E ability now grants bonus attack speed

    Ziggs - his W ability now has an increased radius and his ultimate has a longer range

    These changes will likely result in shifts in the meta, with some champions becoming more popular in competitive play.

    Item Changes

    The 4.22 patch also brought some changes to the items available in the game. Some notable changes include:

    Black Cleaver - the armor penetration on this item has been reduced, making it less efficient against tanks

    Runic Bulwark - this item was removed from the game entirely

    Zhonya's Hourglass - the cooldown on this item has been increased, making it less desirable for some champions

    Players will have to adjust their strategies accordingly, as certain items may no longer be viable options.

    Jungle Changes

    The jungle is a crucial part of any League of Legends game, and the 4.22 patch brought some major changes to how it works. Some of these changes include:

    The experience required to reach level 2 has been lowered, making it easier for junglers to get a good start

    Monsters in the jungle now give more experience, rewarding junglers for clearing camps

    The golem and wraith camps have been combined into a single mega camp, requiring a bit more strategy to clear

    These changes are likely to make the jungle role more important in competitive play, and may result in teams prioritizing certain jungle champions.


    The 4.22 patch for League of Legends has brought a lot of changes to the game, particularly in regards to the competitive esports scene. With champion, item, and jungle changes, players will need to adjust their strategies and tactics accordingly. Fans can expect to see some shifts in the meta as a result of these changes, and the game is sure to remain exciting and unpredictable.